Was confused with the variety of handmade leather bags that these guys offer. Finally picked the orange sling bag and to my surprise, it looks great with all of my outfits. The perfect finish and superb quality, adds to its appearance.
The travel bag I ordered arrived today. Just want to say I am thrilled with it. The price was so reasonable that I had doubts as to how it would look and feel. The quality and softness of the leather is great. And no smell. Thank you
Have received the bag I ordered in just a few days, am very pleased and happy with it, and look forward to using it regularly. Thanks very much El Solo for super quick delivery!!
I have used dozens of laptop bags but the one I received from El Solo was the best one. It was too good in terms of quality, pricing, design, and handling. Their bags are highly durable.
The leather bag I am using was bought from them and its a very useful and multipurpose bag. Its a great product. I like it very much. The pricing is cheap and quality is excellent. I’ll highly recommend this website.
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