How should you choose Handmade Leather Bags?
As there are many options available online, buying a good and amazing leather bag can be a real headache. There are many famous companies that sell handmade leather bags from both of their physical as well as online stores. Although a genuine seller ensures to deliver the best quality product at your doorstep, but there are certain things that you should consider when buying a leather bag online. Let us walk you through some of them.
Take into account THE QUALITY
The very first thing to consider when buying handmade leather bags is the quality of the product. Since you would want your leather bag to be durable and long-lasting, you must always look for a good quality product. A quality certificate and a warranty card are often issued when you buy a quality handmade leather bag online.
A genuine leather product gets better as it ages. Therefore, you must always know what kind of leather is used to make the bag. A good supplier will give an accurate description of the leather products sold online. Moreover, you can easily contact the seller and personally ask about the kind of leather or hide used to make the bag being purchased.
The price and the life of the handmade leather bags, depend rightly on the tanning process of leather. There are two methods of tanning the leather, out of which the vegetable tanning process is utilized in making the handmade leather bags of different kinds. And because of this natural process, a genuine leather bag is pricey and of a great quality. Whereas, a chemically tanned leather product is poor quality leather that fades away quickly, and is generally low priced. A genuine seller would definitely include vegetable tanning as the tanning process in the product description.
While buying a leather bag online, always consider the specifics of the bag, which depends on its intended use. Apparently, if you are buying handmade leather bags to carry your 17 inch MAC, then there won’t be any use if you purchase the one that could accommodate a 15-inch laptop. Another important specific to consider is the color of the bag. If you are buying the bag for using in office then colors in black or brown should be considered. Whereas, for a casual usage, you can opt other colors like blue, pink, orange etc.
The handmade leather bags are known for their strength and sturdiness, but you must also be careful to make the right choice so that you get the best value for money.
Whether you want a vintage look leather satchel bag or a small and elegant sling bag or the one for your laptop, EL Solo is one of the places that offer a range of handmade leather bags at very affordable prices. You can pick one from our store in Jodhpur, or shop online from our website. We promise to deliver you an authentic product that will not be heavy on your pocket.
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